Highland Thai



Genetics: Highland Thai Ganja Domesticate (“Landrace”)
Sourcing: The Real Seed Company, through collectors at source in northern Thailand
Latitude: 19° N
Regional Harvest: December
Height: 3 – 5 metres
Characteristics: tall; green and purple; unusual aromas; centred high

This is an unusual Thai landrace from the highlands of Northern Thailand and the nearby border regions of Burma. It may have resulted through hybridisation of Yunnanese ‘chinensis’ and Thai ganja landraces. This is a process through which some Indochinese strains are believed to have originated.

This landrace is cultivated by various ethnic groups in this highland border region, including the Lahu, a trans-border hilltribe living in northern Thailand, northern Laos, Burma and Yunnan. The appearance and effect of this strain are markedly different from those of the Thai-Lao ganja genepool of the Mekong region of Isan, Northeast Thailand.

Highland Thai can grow exceptionally tall outdoors, given space, potentially reaching over 4 metres. Plants can have notably broader leaflets than typical Sativa-type Thai ganja landraces. Seeds are large and stems are hollow, also suggesting a genetic connection to Yunnanese seed and fibre landraces. Planted close or in restricted areas, plants grow to a single stem.

Bracts are large and resinous, with denser bud formation than is usual for ganja cultigens. There are two phenotypes, namely green and purple. Green types often have a musky, citrus aroma, and purple-blue phenotypes can exhibit mango-carrot scents.

The high has been described as ‘potent but unique in providing a clear conscious expansion with a calm quality.’ This is distinct from the fierce intensity of classic Isan-Lao ganja.

An unusual and rare landrace that’s recommended to collectors and breeders.

Please note: These seeds are second-generation, reproduced through open-pollination outside Thailand.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 3 seeds, 5 seeds