Highland Lao #4


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Genetics: Traditional Lao Thai Ganja Domesticate (“Landrace”)
Sourcing: The Real Seed Company, Laos, Southeast Asia, 2022
Purpose: Ganja (seedless or lightly seeded buds)
Latitude: 18° N
Regional Harvest: Seed to harvest = 6 months
Height: 2 – 4 metres
Characteristics: Intense rich aromas; euphoric luminous high; Sativa-type architecture
Classification: C. sativa subsp. indica var. indica
Grow Type: Greenhouse or outdoors

A new accession from farmers in a crucial centre of production of ‘Thai’ ganja, the jungles and highlands of Bolikhamsai.

Ganja is a traditional household plant in this region of Laos, particularly among ethnic Tai rice-farming lowland communities such as the Lao. Commercial cultivation expanded with Western demand for Thai Stick in the late 60s and grew rapidly through the 70s and 80s after US-driven crackdowns across the Mekong in nearby northern Isan (NE Thailand).

Across the tropics ganja is cultivated as a 6-month crop, seed to harvest.

Expect rich intense aromas and highs that bring a positvity most tokers in the West have forgotten exists

Low prices are to encourage exploration, which – unlike relying on forum reports – is the only sure way to discover and realize the potential in these plants.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds