Restructured Homepage Archive at The Real Seed Company

In light of the findings of a crucial new herbarium study from McPartland and Small, I’ve restructured the homepage archives at The Real Seed Company.

A classification of endangered high-THC cannabis (Cannabis sativa subsp. indica) domesticates and their wild relatives was published April 3rd 2020. It’s available for download here.

The changes are as follows:

  • ‘Northern Afghanistan’ category removed after examination of Vavilov’s herbarium specimens of Afghan landraces revealed most (not all!) exhibited Indica-type leaflets
  • New Central & Western Steppe category created for Kazakh, Siberian, Crimean, and Urals accessions. (Note, the Urals aren’t actually in the steppe.)
  • ‘Ruderal’ category renamed ‘Wild-type
  • New introductory text for Indica-type, Hindu Kush, Central & Western Steppe, and Wild-type archives

You may also want to check out the recent post at the blog entitled On Indicas and Afghanicas.