92 Thai x Afghan – Sativa-type (Fem)


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Genetics: ’92 Chiang Mai Thai x Afghan
Type: Sativa-dom
Indoors: 10–12 weeks

An intensely fruity and resinous cross between a choice Afghan and a 1992 Thai from the highlands of northern Thailand beyond Chiang Mai.

Cured buds express classic fruity rich Thai scents and deep cigar flavours.

Sativa-type variants exhibit strong ‘juicy fruit’ aromas during flower.

Double serrations often show in true Thai style.

Highly branched with medium-thin Sativa-type leaflets and elongated open flower structure. For faster-flowering, try the Indica-type line.

A wide range of variation to select from.

Not fussy feeders, so well-suited for indoor production of tropical Thai bud.

Feminized seeds.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds