Malana Cream




Genetics: Himalayan Resin Cultigen, Malana Cream Strain
Sourcing: The Real Seed Company, Malana, Indian Himalaya, Winter 2021
Purpose: Charas (hand-rubbed); fibre; seeds
Latitude: 32° N
Harvest: Late-September through October
Height: 3 6 metres outdoors
Aroma: Floral, fruity, malty
Characteristics: Resinous, vigorous, hardy, long internodes, CBD
Grow Type: Outdoors, greenhouse

Direct from Malana village, this Himalayan landrace produces the legendary hand-rubbed high-mountain charas, Malana Cream. This resin is prized for its intense aromas, sticky consistency, and heady, mellow high.

Malana cultigens are tall and lanky, with long internodes and loose, resinous buds. Aromas are floral and fruity, with deeper, more pungent and ‘hashy’ notes. Introduced hybrids are likely to have resulted in an increasing number of plants showing ‘skunky’ terpenes and hybrid-like leaflets. But note that broad leaflets during early vegetative stage are characteristic of traditional Himalayan landraces.

Malana landraces are hardy and suited to being bred for use outdoors at northern latitudes. CBD chemotypes are common. Like all Himalayan cultigens, the Malana Cream strain has a history of medicinal use.

Landraces in the Malana region are increasingly affected by introduced modern hybrids. Collectors are advised that purity cannot be guaranteed. Equally, acquiring these landraces before this situation worsens is advisable.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds