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Genetics: Iranian Domesticate (“Landrace”)
Sourcing: The Real Seed Company, Khorasan, Iran, 2019 Harvest
Purpose: Charas (sieved resin)
Latitude: 35° N
Harvest: late-September to October
Height: 2 to 4 metres
Aroma: Afghanesque
Characteristics: High-yielding
Grow Type: Outdoors, greenhouse, or indoors

An Iranian domesticate from the Khorasan region of northeastern Iran, neighboring Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

This is a very high-yielding landrace with immense flower production. It was sourced through a long-term resident of Khorasan with deep knowledge of the area. Seeds are direct from local farmers.

Khorasan is an ancient centre of cannabis culture. Most famously, it was the site of the khanqah of Qutb ad-Dīn Haydar, a Muslim mystic legendarily said to have discovered hashish. Best known to the West as Sheikh Haydar, his followers, the Haydaris, were famed for their extreme practices and chronic cannabis use.

NOTE: This is an open-pollinated reproduction of the original 2019 accession. Seeds are exhibiting close to 100% germination.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds